B & B Custom Outdoors is a home-based business that has grown from a great personal passion for the outdoors and outdoor sports. Our business practices are based on Christian principles; including love thy neighbor, do unto others as you would have done unto you, and most importantly: honesty.
Our Business
Our goal is to provide superior custom fishing rods, animal calls and accessories at a fair price
Who We Are
I (Brian Avery) have been an avid hunter for over half of my life and and avid fisherman all of my life. After I began tying my own flies during college, I realized that the principals of fly construction were basically the same as the principals of rod construction. As I began to improve my rod building techniques, I bought a lathe so I could make my own reel seats and grips instead of using premade. This exploration in turning lead to the construction of animal calls and pens, as well as rod components. After teaching for over 15 years in Savannah and Eatonton Georgia, I decided to follow a dream (a calling from God) and put my efforts into building hand crafted, superior quality fishing rods and calls. I have been building custom rods since around 2004.
The other B in B&B Custom Outdoors belongs to Beth. She is the one who has made this dream come true. She teaches Math and Science at Valley Point Middle School in Dalton and takes care of our three children and the home front. She helps with what ever I need; be it sales and marketing, book keeping, or even putting calls together.
We are located in Calhoun, Georgia, but have traveled all over the East Coast, fishing all the way.